Huset på Skolgatan här i Lund firar 100 år. Tant Elsa som är 90 år gammal och som har bott i huset i hela sitt liv har många roliga historier och intressanta fakta att berätta om huset. Om alla hyresvärdar (den förste hade 9 barn!) och hyresgäster, om hur det var förr i tiden när man hissade upp tvätten i en tvättkorg upp till taket och om matlag då man lagade mat tillsammans, om en hästkärra som levererade kol och som knappt kunde köra in på gården genom den trånga porten med de stora grå stenar, om det gamla äppelträdet med avlånga gröna äpplen som fortfarande står kvar och hur barnen ibland fick komma in i hyresvärdens trädgård och spela krocket, om piskställningen där barnen samlades och lyssnade på sagor och om en gammaldags gungställning som inte finns längre och om hur barnen brukade skriva sina namn på husets tegelstenar. Alla dessa mysiga historier har resulterat i denna tårta. Grattis huset!
In English
One of the houses here in Lund is celebrating its 100th anniversary! Aunt Elsa who is 90 years old and who has lived in the house all her life has a lot of stories to tell. About the landlords and tenants, about how it was in the good old times when they had to pull upp the laundry in the basket up to the roof and about special cooking-teams when they cooked food together, about a horsevan which delivered the coal and which could hardly get through the narrow gates with the big grey stones on both sides, about the old apple-tree which is still standing in the garden and how children were sometimes allowed to visit the landlords house and play crocket in the his garden, about a carpet-beating rack where the children used to sit and listen to the stories and about an old-fashioned swing which is now long gone and how children scribbled their names on the bricks of the house. All these wonderful stories are pictured in this cake. Congratulations to this wonderful house!

In English
One of the houses here in Lund is celebrating its 100th anniversary! Aunt Elsa who is 90 years old and who has lived in the house all her life has a lot of stories to tell. About the landlords and tenants, about how it was in the good old times when they had to pull upp the laundry in the basket up to the roof and about special cooking-teams when they cooked food together, about a horsevan which delivered the coal and which could hardly get through the narrow gates with the big grey stones on both sides, about the old apple-tree which is still standing in the garden and how children were sometimes allowed to visit the landlords house and play crocket in the his garden, about a carpet-beating rack where the children used to sit and listen to the stories and about an old-fashioned swing which is now long gone and how children scribbled their names on the bricks of the house. All these wonderful stories are pictured in this cake. Congratulations to this wonderful house!